Flywheel Review for WordPress: A Reliable Managed Host?

Flywheel is one of the most popular WordPress managed hosting providers available – but are they a good choice for your unique needs? In this article, we'll go over Flywheel's WordPress-specific features, how it supports team collaboration, its performance benchmarks, how much plans go for, and its overall pros and cons.

5 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers Compared for 2024

Choosing a web host is never easy. However, finding the best managed WordPress hosting provider can be even more complex. There's usually more at stake and hosting gets more expensive. So you'll want to make the right choice. That's why we've compiled a list of some of the best managed WordPress hosts, to help narrow down your choices.

5 “Top” Cheaper WP Engine Alternatives

WP Engine is a fantastic choice for WordPress hosting, albeit a pricey one. In many cases their entry level plan is more than double the price of other quality WordPress hosts. Not everyone can afford that so they're often forced to look elsewhere for cheaper WP Engine alternatives - and that's exactly what we're going to give you in this roundup!

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DreamHost Review: Affordable WordPress Hosting for Every Need

When you’re picking out a hosting company, you’ll want to make the decision carefully. Your web host will have a powerful impact on your WordPress site’s long-term success. It’s smart to do some research beforehand - which is why we created this DreamHost review for WordPress to help you out.

What is WordPress Hosting?

So you've already made the smart choice to go with WordPress for your website. Now, you're on to making the next important decision for your site: hosting. Among a barrage of terms like shared, dedicated, and VPN, you've come across this thing called WordPress hosting. So ... what is WordPress hosting?