Improve WordPress Performance: 20 Common Problems Solved

Struggling with WordPress performance problems? Having a slow-loading site can be frustrating for both you and your visitors. Not to mention, it’s bad for your search engine optimization and it can even hurt your conversion rates.

Can’t Access WP-Admin? 9 Solutions That Always Work

Can't access wp-admin? In most cases, it’s just a temporary issue and, once you diagnose the underlying problem, you’ll be back into your WordPress dashboard in no time. In this article, we share the most common problems and their solutions.

7 Best Budget-Friendly Email Hosting Providers (One Is Free!)

Creating a custom email address for you and/or your organization is a great way to look more professional and better organize your email communication. We compare some great cheap email hosts that can help you set up your own mailbox for as little as $1 per month.

WordPress Review: Should You Build a Website With It?

Are you thinking of using WordPress to build a website? In our WordPress review, we’ll go in-depth and help you understand what this platform does well and what its weak points are. By the end of the post, you should know whether or not WordPress is the right tool for your website.

What’s the Best WooCommerce Quick View Plugin? 4 Options Compared

If you want to add quick view functionality to your WooCommerce store, you'll need a WooCommerce quick view plugin. In this post, we'll start by quickly running through ecommerce quick view best practices. Then we'll introduce you to four plugins that we personally reviewed and that get the job done.

How Much Does a Website Cost in 2024? Less Than You Think

In one sense, asking "how much does a website cost?" is a little like asking "how much does a house cost?" That is, the answer depends a lot on the person who's asking it and their needs and preferences. In this article we'll break down the answer into its finest details so you'll know exactly what you're getting yourself into.