How to Change Font Color in WordPress (5 Methods)

In this post, we’ll start by discussing the benefits of modifying font colors in the CMS. Then, we’ll go over how to change font color in WordPress – walking you through five different methods. Let’s get to it!

How to Create a Blog Post Outline That Works! (In 6 Steps)

If you run a blogging business, you likely already know how challenging it can be to publish articles consistently. That’s because generating topics, researching, and writing takes up a lot of time. So, you may be interested in how to create a blog post outline.

LiteSpeed Cache vs W3 Total Cache: Which Cache Is Better?

It can be difficult to choose between LiteSpeed Cache vs W3 Total Cache since these are two popular options. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of a WordPress caching plugin and dive straight into our LiteSpeed Cache vs W3 Total Cache review!

8 Ways to Integrate WordPress with Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, therefore, it’s a great idea to integrate it on your website. In this post, we’ll show you eight ways to integrate WordPress with Facebook. Let’s get started!

All in One WP Migration vs Duplicator: Which Is Better?

The simplest way to move your WordPress site to a new server is to install a migration plugin. However, the choice between All in One WP Migration vs Duplicator is difficult when you don’t know what to look for. In this post, we’ll look at when it makes sense to use a WordPress migration plugin and compare All in One WP Migration vs Duplicator.

10 Best Video Hosting Sites for Website Owners

If you have a videography portfolio site or media-rich blog, you want to make sure your content is delivered without issues or delays. Uploading clips to your website can slow it down and take up storage space. Therefore, you might be looking for some quality video hosting sites (besides YouTube).

UpdraftPlus vs Jetpack: Which Backup Plugin Should You Use?

Creating regular copies of your website can help safeguard you against data and content loss in the case of an emergency. But, with so many backup plugins to choose from, you might have a hard time picking one. If you’ve narrowed down your search, you may be considering UpdraftPlus vs Jetpack. In this post, we’ll be discussing the importance of using a WordPress backup plugin. Then, we’ll put UpdraftPlus vs Jetpack in a complete comparison guide.

How to Create a Virtual Gallery (Guide + Top Tools Explained)

A virtual gallery can be a great way to advertise your artwork and educate people in far-reaching places. However, if you’re not familiar with web design, you might not know how to create a virtual gallery. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of putting your art gallery online and we’ll show you how to create a virtual gallery in a few simple steps. Let’s dive right in!

How to Set Up WordPress Heatmaps for Free (In 2 Steps)

In-depth analytics can help you understand users’ behavior and adjust your content strategy accordingly. However, trying to make sense of numbers and metrics can be a little tiring. That’s where WordPress heatmaps come in. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to set them up using a plugin.

WordPress Mobile App Explained: How to Use It (For Beginners)

Wouldn't it be great if you could access your content management system (CMS) from any location? This would give you total freedom to blog whenever and wherever you'd like. If that sounds appealing to you, then you might want to install the WordPress mobile app. However, you'll also need to learn how to use it - and that's exactly what we're going to show you in this tutorial.

MonsterInsights vs ExactMetrics: Which Is Better for Site Analytics

Web analytics tools can provide insight into your audience, engagement, and conversions. So, if you run an online business with WordPress, you may be looking for an analytics plugin. But, choosing one can be tricky - especially if you've narrowed it down to MonsterInsights vs ExactMetrics. In this comparison post, we'll give you a complete breakdown of these two popular analytics plugins so you can decide which one is right for your website.