3 Ways to Use Canva on WordPress Sites – From Basic to Brilliant

If you’re already somewhat familiar with Canva, you might be curious about how it can be used to improve your WordPress site and/or enhance its visual appeal. I’m going to show you just that. Below, you’ll find my three favorite ways to use Canva for WordPress purposes and create some optimized graphics in a very short time.

5 of the Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress

Are you hoping to raise funds from your customers, friends, or fans? Although you can use existing platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe, you might encounter steep listing fees on these sites. Plus, with limited control over your content, it can be difficult to make changes to campaigns or facilitate custom prices.

Twenty Twenty-Four Theme Reviewed: Is It Viable for a Real Site?

The release of WordPress 6.4 saw the arrival of a new theme on the market: Twenty Twenty-Four. So far, the default themes have always felt a bit limited in terms of use cases and design. However, the WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four theme aims to be different from its predecessors by offering a more functional, multipurpose approach.

8 Ways How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death

The WordPress white screen of death sounds frightening, and it can be intimidating. Unlike other errors, this one doesn’t give you any information about what causes it. In this article, we’ll go over the potential causes behind the WordPress white screen of death and show you how to troubleshoot them.

How to Build an Ecommerce Website With WordPress (In 8 Steps)

Learning how to build an ecommerce website with WordPress is easier than you might think. A big part of the process is using the right plugin for the job – preferably WooCommerce. In this article, we’ll show you how to build an ecommerce website with WordPress in a few steps. Let’s get to it!

Lossy vs Lossless Compression: Which Is Better for Online Images

Any type of image compression is better than nothing. Yet, to consistently improve your website’s performance, it’s best to understand the differences between lossy vs lossless compression options. Let's find out more about the concept of image optimization and lossy vs lossless compression.

WP Optimize vs WP Super Cache: Features and Performance Test

Caching is one of the most powerful technologies you can use to improve website performance. The easiest way to leverage browser caching in WordPress is with a plugin, which means you need to decide which option works best for you. Today, we’re comparing WP Optimize vs WP Super Cache to help you decide. Let’s get to it!

How to Create an Auction Website With WordPress (Step-by-Step)

An auction website enables users to bid on products to buy them. It’s a great way to maximize profits, sell more niche items, and build a community. However, you might not know how to create an auction website. Fortunately, WordPress provides the ideal platform to create an auction website. First, you’ll need to install a quality auction plugin. Then, you can list your items, manage auctions, and let other users list products.

Mobile Image Optimization Explained: Here’s Where to Start

If you had to look at your audience insights, you’d probably find that most users access your site from a mobile device. Therefore, prioritizing mobile image optimization is essential. If your photos are unoptimized or served incorrectly, it will likely result in a poor user experience and slow loading times. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of mobile image optimization. Let’s get started!